Since the begging of this year I been spotting Tesla's. They are very nice. The Model S is the best car I have seen around.
A mineral white metallic Model S with tinted windows, black matte rims, and smoked out lights. I'll call it, the real deal. A good structure design mixed with an aggressive look makes a great car, well, that's my opinion. Out there, people might want to keep it classy and go for the original look, which is great too. Its good that a US car maker is receiving great respect/ feedback. I can't think of other well known car companies starting this, luxury, no gas, full electric, and actually selling it like a hot chocolate. And 2, Tesla Model S was pronounced the best green luxury car of 2013, Fremont, CA must be proud there too.
A mineral white metallic Model S with tinted windows, black matte rims, and smoked out lights. I'll call it, the real deal. A good structure design mixed with an aggressive look makes a great car, well, that's my opinion. Out there, people might want to keep it classy and go for the original look, which is great too. Its good that a US car maker is receiving great respect/ feedback. I can't think of other well known car companies starting this, luxury, no gas, full electric, and actually selling it like a hot chocolate. And 2, Tesla Model S was pronounced the best green luxury car of 2013, Fremont, CA must be proud there too.